Thursday, August 6, 2009

I do believe in Christ. I know he lives and succors us in our trials and our weaknesses. His Atonement is real and has the power to cleanse us of sin and give us strength to do things we could not with our own abilities alone.

I first gained this knowledge as a young teenager. Because of the pressures of teenage life, I felt alone and overwhelmed. One night while sitting alone in my bedroom, I picked up my scriptures with the intent of sincerely reading them for the first time. I had read the scriptures in church and with my family, but before that time I had never really studied them personally. Not knowing where to begin or how to read them, I just thumbed through them and then started reading. I came across a verse that touched my heart and filled my soul with peace. The verse is found in John 14:18. The verse reads, "I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you."

Tears filled my eyes as I for the first time, felt and recognized the Spirit communicating with my soul. I felt as if it were two arms embracing me and giving me comfort. I truly felt the presence of the Savior and in that moment gained a knowledge of his reality and sincere love. Since that time I have had many similar experiences that have drawn me nearer to the Savior and confirmed and fortified my testimony of him. I know that he will never leave us comfortless, but will come to us in our time of need.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Blessing of Truth

Some non-members think I'm biased because I was born into the Church. That because I've never known any other religion or way of life, I don't know the real truth. That being born into a true church is just too convenient. Well I call being born into the true Church a blessing. Only a small percentage of the world is as fortunate as I am, to know truth their whole life. This blessing is free to all those who wish to learn. In perspective, it's an even bigger blessing to those who were not born in the Church to be able to attain this treasure. We should always try to keep in mind how lucky we are. Not only in knowing truth, but in being alive, having the opportunity to return to God, and Christ's sacrifice.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My Redeemer, My Savior, My Brother

I Know that My Redeemer lives with all my heart and being! The best way I testify of Christ is through what I write so I am going to share 2 poems that i have written that express how i feel for my Redeemer, My Savior and My Brother. I have such a strong a deep love for christ that words can not adequately describe. I owe him so much and i am endebted to him for eternity for what he has done on my behalf and what he did so willingly. 
My Savior:

My Savior
As he bled, as he wept
our faces flashed through his mind
he knew that for us he suffered
the pain he felt so strong
as he knelt in Gethsemane 

His thoughts were turned to us
as they placed the crown upon his head
his heart was set, his mind made up
as they whipped his back and body
he would not turn his back on us

still harder the task grew
he must suffer death to save us
yet he kept on going, he would not falter
he knew it was the only way 
to save his brothers and sisters

he simply stood there as they shouted
"Crucify Him!" not a word he spoke
nor a finger did he raise to them
though it would have saved him
if he proved he was the son of God

but for us he would not speak
he had promised he would save us
so he carried the cross
through the cities and towns
until he reached the hill calvary

as they nailed him to the cross 
he cold only see his little brothers and sisters
the one s he was dying so they'd be saved
he laid there still, as they drove the nails into his feet
no movement did he make, not a tear did he shed

as they raised him up to die for us
he told his mother of his love for her
then he did what no mortal man would do
he told the father a small, yet powerful phrase
"forgive them, they know not what they do"

His mission complete
he said his last few words
he'd speak as a mortal man
"it is finished"
the earth did quake
the heavens cried
the son of God had died.

My Brother:
My Brothers Hug

You were my strength 
when none was left
you were the one who cared
when all others seemed gone
my heart was saved 
by your great care

Never did you leave my side
Through all my pains and strife's
I always knew you'd be there
when times got hard to bear
I knew I'd never be alone
No matter how hard life got

Now my goal is to see your face
i know you know mine so well
but you i've never seen before
you love me beyond all wors
you want me to be with you agin
so you can hold me close to you 
like you always try to do

when you reach out to hold me 
is when i can feel you near to me
it is something i don't want to lose
i know that if i live right 
i'll see your face again someday
you'll be hold me in your arms 
just like you've always tried and dreamed

when i left for earth
you held me so close and long
you didn't want to let me go
but you knew how much they needed me
so with a final hug and kiss goodbye
you sent me on my journey down
you made me promies i'd return
you said to keep my family safe

i hope i'm keeping that promise
because i want to feel your hug again
to be able to see your face so proud
because your little sister made it home
just like you always knew she would. 

These are my testimony of Christ. I know that he lived and still lives and that he loves us so much. He wants more then anything for us to return to him and our Heavenly Father. He suffered for us so that we could. 


I know that my redeemer lives! i love him and he loves me. he made a huge sacrifice for me and went through much pain and suffering. in science class we learned that people usually seek pleausre which is also usually the right or good way and try and avoid pain which is bad or wrong. Jesus Christ didint have to do the things that he did but i know that he did it for everyone and not for his own glory. he is always there when i need him even when i feel like no one is there for me you can always count on him.
i will try and keep his commandments and do all that i can to live in his ways and try and be like God. i can also bring some souls towards him so that they can live the truth too.

Friday, April 3, 2009

All Things Are Possible Through Christ

I know that Jesus Christ is our savior. I know that it is never to late to come to him and he will always welcome us with loving arms. Anything is possible through Him. He is the perfect role model for me to look up to and become a better person.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Setting up a row of dominos in a winding path is something I loved to do as a kid.  It's interesting that just as the fall of one domino brings down all the others that follow, knowing the simple truth of the Book of Mormon brings about a knowledge of many associated truths.  The most important among those truths is who the Book of Mormon's topic, theme and main character happens to be: that is, Christ.  From beginning to end, the book is Christ.  It is his mercy, made efficacious through his Atonement, death and resurrection.  It is his Father's plan for our immortality and eternal life, the plan of redemption.  I know the Spirit of God burns in my heart when I read the Book of Mormon specifically because it teaches so fully and devotedly of Christ.  He is my Savior and my King and I love him dearly.  I believe in Christ.

What Jay Has to Say About Jesus

I know that Jesus Christ is my personal savior. I love reading about him. The things he taught me from the scriptures have totally changed my life. I am a living example of how a man can change and come unto Christ. For this reason I love the atonement. I think it is incredible that Christ went through so much pain and suffering so that he could cleans me from MY stupid choices. I love Jesus so much! Without Christ and his atonement there is no way I would be in college, and I know that my testimony of Christ is what has helped me get to where I am today.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My Lord, My King, My Savior, and My Best Friend

I do know that my Redeemer lives and he loves me! I have grown so close to my Savior, and I do have a close, personal relationship with him. He knows me, and what I have to go through. He knows what it feels like when I feel all alone, when I’m hurting, when I feel weak and feel like I can’t go on. He knows how hard it is to endure to the end when everything seems to be falling apart. I know that with the atonement, we can get through anything. He is always there with us, leading us on, giving us hope and strength to endure to the end. All we have to do is grab his outstretched hand and trust in him. I testify to you that I know God answers prayers. I know he loves us and wants the best for us. I love my Savior. He is my Redeemer, the way and the light, my King, and my best friend. I leave you will these things, in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Another Witness

What can one say that hasn't already be said.  He is alive and He still speaks.  Through every person who has the same testimony that I do, He keeps speaking.  Through the prophets that testify to me, He keeps speaking.  Through the written words in the scriptures, He continues to speak.  Through the actions of every christan who tries to better themselves and the world around them, He speaks.  Through us all, and all of our positive actions that help bring others to Him, He speaks.  Christ is alive.

yay for the gospel

I am so grateful for everything that has been given to me by my Heavenly Father. I have never doubted his existence and constant presence in my life and I am glad I can live with that constant companionship. Throughout different trials and hardships that have come up, calling on the Lord was never the first thing I thought of to help me out. I always thought I could everything by myself and work it out without asking for help. It has only been more recently that I have began to realize that he wants us to call on him and he need to, because I am slowly realizing that I can not do it on my own. I am now calling on the Lord constantly and there is such a difference in my life. What a blessing it is to have the gospel and this wonderful church sculpting us into the people we are supposed to become. I know that I would someone completely different if it weren't for the church and I am glad that I am able to learn and grow in the gospel because this way really does bring happiness. - Laura Christian. 

I Believe in Christ!!

I know that Jesus Christ lives. I know that He died for each and every one of us and suffered for us. I know that we can once again live with him. this is why we are on this earth today that we can follow the straight and narrow path to be with Him once again. Through Him anything is possible! I know that He is always with us every waking moment of the day! This is the true church and He is over all of it. I love the song I Believe in Christ and I know that my Redeemer Lives!

Love Of Christ.

I know that this Gospel is true, and i am so thankful to have it bless my life. I know that repentance is a true thing and with out it we would never feel the true love of our Father and Christ. I am so thankful for Christ and his sacrifice that he gave for me and i hope that one day i can make it back and live with my father above.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Brother and Sisters, the Church is true!!! :) I’m so grateful for this gospel and all the ways it blesses my life each and everyday. Through many different trials that I have gone through I have come to know my Savior better and learned of his love for me. I know that he suffered for all of my sins so I many live with him once again. It is so comforting to know that he is with me every step of the way no matter how hard things may get. I know he will not give me anything I can’t handle. I know the power of prayer is real and he hears and answers all of our prayers. During my life I have had many experiences and at the time, I didn’t understand why everything was happening to me. I have learned that everything happens for a reason and what ever doesn’t kill me will only make me stronger! I have also learned to stop telling my God how big my “storm” is and start telling my “storm” how big my God is. Because I know that through him I can do anything! He is my rock and my foundation. I’m so grateful for the ways he teaches me how I need to improve and ways I might be able to help others. I’m so excited for the day when I get to talk to my Savior face to face and thank him for all he does for me! I want to strive for the rest of my life to try and become more like him and to live in thanksgiving daily. There is SO much to be thankful for and I don’t want to overlook anything! Like what President Monson says, “Find joy in the journey, NOW!” Life gets so hard and confusing, as long as we strive to do our best and find ways to love life I know that everything will work out. I love him with all my heart! I’m so grateful that I have the opportunity to live with him and all of my loved ones for time and all eternity! I testify of these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I Believe in Christ

As a lifelong member of the Church, I don't really remember a time when I didn't at least have faith that Jesus Christ is my Savior. Because of this, even though I have gone through challenging times and because I have gone through challenging times, my testimony of Jesus Christ has always become stronger until it has become what it is today. It is simple, but it is 'sufficient' for me.

I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior. He willingly came to earth to experience everything, literally everything. I know He lived so I could have an example to follow. He suffered for me in the Garden of Gethsemane. He took upon Himself all of my pains, my sorrows, my sins, my mistakes, my weaknesses, and everything that hurts, as well as everything good in my life. He did it all so that when I turn to Him all throughout my life, "I know. I know what you are going through, and it is going to be okay because I have done it before." I know that Jesus loved me enough that had I somehow been missed in that great Atonement, He would have come back and done it again for me. He would have suffered it if I had been the only one to suffer for. That is powerful to me because I have never been the most self-confident person, and to know that Christ believes in me and loves me enough to suffer and die for me is a knowledge I will always hold dear.

I know that Jesus Christ not only suffered for me then, but He is here with me every step of the way if I will just let Him walk with me. He has been there for me when no one else was. He is my Comforter when I am sorrowful, my strength when I am weak. I know from personal experience that He helps me remember what I need to know to get through my particular trials, through a friend, through the scriptures, through personal revelation. He is always willing to let me know He is there, too.

My favorite verse from the hymn "I Believe in Christ" is the last verse. Part of it says, "And while I strive through grief and pain, His voice is heard, 'Ye shall obtain.'" I love this. I know that He wants me to be happy, which is why He lived, suffered and died for me. He is my older brother and best friend who is always, always there for me. He is encouraging me on, never giving up on me, never failing to love me. And I love Him, oh how I love Him.

My Friend, Jesus Christ

I know that Jesus Christ is my savior and redeemer. I love knowing that his atonement is infinite! It applies to everyone. He knows the trials we face, the pains we feel, the burdens we carry, and this is why He can and does help us. I'm grateful for the life I've been blessed with to be able to learn these things and have hope and strength to help me along each and every day I live. I know that by following Christ, and keeping his commandments He can call me His friend. For this I am eternally grateful. 

The Way

In bearing my testimony, I will say first that this gospel has changed my life and is my life. I know that it is true because I know my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that His way is simple and true and by following His pure example I can be perfected, meaning I can be complete and whole. I know that Christ lived on this earth and that he is the literal Son of God. I know that He suffered for my sins along with the sins of the world and that I can be clean because of that sacred act of the Atonement. Jesus Christ is the light of the world and the hope that I have that I can overcome sin and can become like God. I know that I can return to my Heavenly Father's presence because of the sacrifice of my Savior. I love Him so much and yet I know that His love for me is infinite. I say these things in the sacred name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I know the Book of Mormon to be true because I have taken Moroni’s promise and I felt the Holy Ghost’s assurance that it was true words of prophets of God. I’m a convert to the church and when I was investigation the church I was invited by the missionaries to read selections from the Book of Mormon and then pray to ask God if they were truly his words. When I did I felt a calm warm sensation come over me. It was a feeling of peace. This assurance is what gave me the faith to investigate further and eventually get baptized. I would say the real converting power of the Book of Mormon is the change it brings about in the person reading it. I have noticed in my life, that as I read the Book of Mormon I am getting closer to my Father in heaven and to Jesus Christ. As Joseph Smith says in the introduction to the Book of Mormon, “I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.” I have seen that to be true in my life. As I follow the principles in the Book of Mormon I am getting closer to God. I also feel the spirit with me a lot more when I live the principles found in that book.

It's Never To Late

It’s never too late to come unto Christ. He is always there for us, no matter what we have done, he will accept us, and help us to become better people. If we will just take that first step. I know that the church is true. I know that we will and can become better people by living by its guidelines. We will be blessed in way that we never thought possible. Life isn’t all definite, and we will all have trails, decisions, and obstacles that will form us into the people that someday we can be. Always go to the Lord in making those big decisions, and he will help us. He is always here for us, in prayer, leaders, and examples in our lives. We just need to realize them, and make the first step and our lives shall be blessed. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen
Jesus is the Christ. He is my lord and my God Saviour and Redeemer. There is no other name nor means whereby man can be saved save it be in and throught the name of Christ. He is my Friend, He is my God. I know that He lives and that He is my God. There is nothing more for me to say now. Amen.
I am so grateful that Jesus Christ came to earth to die for us and that he now lives again. I'm even more grateful for the fact that I know this. I know that Christ is my redeemer and that he lives, and because of that knowledge and what I know of the restored gospel, I have the chance to repent and live with God again. Any good that has come in my life has come because of my membership in this church and when I have followed the teachings of Christ. I know that it is only through Christ and obedience to teachings of his gospel that I can have happiness. He has changed my life. I love him. In the name of Jesus Christ our redeemer, amen.

I'm Thankful

I am thankful for all that my Savior went through for me. I know that through his grace and by my good works I will be worthy to enter His and Heavenly Father's presence. I know that He personally knows me and I can find strength Him. I also know that the more we get to know him the closer we can become and the easier it is to overcome trials and tempations. I am thankful for the Gospel and everything I have come to know about it. I am thankful for the restoration and for modern day prophets. I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet and this is the only true church here upon the earth. I also know that as we read our scriptures and especially the Book of Mormon we get closer to our Heavenly Father and Savior every time. I also know that President Monson has been called by God to be a prophet in these days. I know that as we follow the Prophet and do as instructed we have no reason to be afraid. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

I believe in Christ because I have seen him. I have seen His countenance engraved in many individuals that have blessed my life. From that I know that He lives and the Spirit of God has witnessed it to me. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I Believe in Christ

I believe in Christ.  I know he knows each of us individually.  He knows our struggles, our weaknesses, and what makes us sad and happy.  He loves every single person on this earth.  He pleads for each of us to follow Him so we can be with him again.  He grieves when we fall off the path.  I know that the Lord asks us to walk with Him.  I know when we listen to our prophet, and diligently obey, we walk with the Lord.  I know we have a living and true prophet with us here today.  He will never lead us astray.  Our world can be confusing and hard, but I know that if we ever have doubts or questions, the right answer is to follow the prophet.  If we follow the prophet, we will be guided to where we need to be, and the right thing will happen.  I know that families can be eternal.  I know that when a family member dies here, we can see and be with them again!  I have a strong testimony and respect for Joseph Smith.  He knew the church was true, and went through so much to be an instrument in restoring the gospel on the earth again.  I am so grateful for having the truth in my life.  The gospel gives me comfort, understanding, strength, and assurance.  I love Heavenly Father so much and know that if I live righteously, I will be able to return to Him.  I love Jesus Christ.  He has done so much for me personally, just like he has for everyone else.  I feel his love daily, and know that I will also get to see him again if I live righteously and endure to the end.  In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I believe in Christ, too.

My heart is so full of joy right now. I loved reading so many testimonies of Jesus Christ. I also know, without a doubt, that Jesus Christ is real and He lives. I know He loves me. I know that He atoned for me individually along with every other person who ever will or ever has lived. I know that I would be nothing without His sacrifice. I know that Jesus Christ is waiting for me to reach out for Him. I know that no matter what happens, or what I may do, He will ALWAYS be there to help me up. He will NEVER give up on me, He will constantly be trying to lift me up, bring me closer to Him, and experience exaltation. All I have to do is reach for Him, and He will be there. The testimony I have of the Savior grows stronger everyday. Everytime I pray to the Father, I can feel the spirit testifying of the Savior. I am so thankful for His atonement. I love Him so much, and I cannot deny the truth I feel and the love that has blessed my life. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I love to feel the way I did in the mission. I think the reason for that is because I absolutely love the feeling of looking someone right in the eyes and saying with conviction, I know that Jesus Christ lives. It becomes a new reality to someone who has never really considered that fact literally. It becomes no longer a figurative story that parents tell their children or just something we talk about, but something real and very personal. I wish every person to feel that inner conviction that I know Him, and love Him and know He is real and does love every one of His Children. Of these things I testify in His Holy name, Jesus Christ, Amen.

My Lord, my God

Jesus Christ is my Lord and my God. He atoned for my sins and yours. When I think of his mercy and his love, I am continuously amazed. He never ceases to loves us and help uplift us when we fall short. My Savior died on the cross and suffered in Gethsemane. He felt my pain individually. He knows my weaknesses, sorrows, and troubles. Whenever you're feeling down and like you can't do it anymore remember that Jesus knows what you're going through. He has felt it all. I know the Book of Mormon to be the Word of God. Oh how I love the scriptures. I know they truly testify of Christ and his love for us. I know that by sincerely studying and pondering them we can draw nearer unto God. I know that through sincere honest prayer we can come to know our Father in Heaven personally. If we do are part he will do the rest. I know that God hears and answers every prayer. I know the answer he gives is what's best for us. I know Joseph Smith is a prophet of God and restored the gospel in it's fulness on the earth today. I know he saw God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ in the Sacred Grove. I know of the power of repentance and forgiveness. It has worked in my life and it can work in yours. I know Thomas S. Monson is the prophet on the earth today and that he leads and guides this church in righteousness. I know that when we follow prophets therein lies safety and peace. I know that families can be together forever. I know the temple is a place where we can come to feel of the spirit and draw closer to our Savior. I know that if we fulfill are callings in the church to the best of our ability we will be blessed. I know this church is true brothers and sisters. I know my Savior lives and that his hand is outstretched to us all the day long. I say these things, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and our God, Amen.


I have never realized how much the gospel means since the last two years have pasted. I knew I loved the gospel when I started college but I took a jump further than love, I don't even know what the word would be. When I thought I couldn't jump any further on the love scale for the gospel I took an even bigger jump then before. I love this gospel with over ounce of my being. I am incredibly greatful for Joseph Smith who had the courage to go pray in a grove of trees, and who had the courage to accept the responsibility of bringing the gospel back to the earth again. I am great for Thomas S. Monson who I know to be the prophet today. I am greatful for all the prophets before him and all of their guidence. I am greatful for all my teachers and church leaders and all that they have taught me. I am greatful for my friends who have been amazing examples to me. I am greatful for my family and the love they show for me. I know that we can be together again someday. I am so greatful for the temples and the oppurtunity to have an eternal marriage. I am so excited to be a wife and mother and I am even more excited that I will be able to keep them for eternity. I know that the scriptures are true and that they guide us in all that we do, and I am so greatful for that. I am know that Christ is my redeemer and I know that he lives. I know that he loves all of us and I know that we are all children of God and he wants us all to return to him someday. I am so greatful for the testimony that I have and the experiences that have helped it grow so much these past few years. I love the Gospel so much, and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Isn't it Great

I believe in Christ, such a simple and yet a very powerful statement. I do believe Christ is our loving older brother who has sacrificed everything for each one of us. I have an older brother in this life and I know that he would help me in times of need. He loves me and I know that he has sacrificed for me and my own welfare. Just like him Jesus Christ has an even more perfect love for me and sacrificed so much for me as well. I know that His atonement was the greatest act of love anyone could give a friend and brother/sister. I know that he now lives and loves us still. He is still always there waiting for us to remember to turn to Him and take his hand. He has the strength that we need in our life to accomplish all the righteous desires thereof. You couldn’t ask for a better brother to have to comfort you in times of need, to lend his strength, to show us His love, to help us be all that we need to be to return with him to the presence of our Father in Heaven.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Brother Christensen

Im not really sure what im suppose to be doing here but im here. I've never used a blog before so bare with me. All I really know is that were suppose to bare our testamoney about what we have learned in this class.
I dont really know if i have a testamoney yet but I do know that i have learned alot from brother Christensen this semester. I have learned tons about the book of mormon and read it for the first time ever. The feelings I have felt and the thoughts that have come to me over the past few months have really shown me that there is more out there. I have grown alot and so has understanding of the church. I have a strong want to finish reading the rest of the nook of moromon and then plan on reading the bible. Thank you brother Christensen for all you have done for me in the past few months!

I believe in Christ

The savior is my best friend. He is the one I turn to when I need help and love and comfort in my life. He has suffered and bled from me and the trials,weaknesses and confusion in my life. He is the only one who truly understands what I am going through and what I am thinking. He showed the true and ultimate sacrifice of love. It's unfathomable to think of how someone could love people that much. My savior made it possible for me to be living the life I am today. He gave us the chance to come to this earth and learn and better ourselves so that we could return to our Heavenly Father. He made it possible for us to have the gospel in our life today, the scriptures are a testament to his life and devotion. I see the hand of the savior in my life everyday and cannot believe that there are people in the world who do not believe. I am greatful for the prophets, leaders, and teachers we have in these days to expand our knowledge of the our Heavenly Father and savior and who they guide us to behave righteously so that we can return to them. I am grateful for the courage and strength Joseph Smith had to testify of our savior and to have enough undoubtable faith to give his life so that we may know the truth. I have a testimony of the sacrament and the significance and sacredness it has. I am thankful for the gift of repentance and to be able to utilize it and better myself and my life. I am eternal grateful for Heavenly Father and the sacrifice he made when he gave us his son so that we could return to him someday.

Christ lived and died for me, my family, my friends, and for everyone else in the world who has ever lived, who lives now, and who will ever live. I have partaken of the atonement of Jesus Christ and have felt his eternal love for me. There are many things I have done in my life that I couldn't have done without my Saviour. I know without any doubt that Christ will come again. I look forward to the day, if I am still alive, when Christ will come in His greatness and glory. He has provided us with so many things to excersise our faith, including prophets, the Book of Mormon, religion, and so many great things. I love Him always and forever.

Monday, December 1, 2008

I have experienced many things in my life and have learned a lot from them.  One thing that I have known for all of my life is that there is a God, and that he loves me.  He loved us enough to send his son so that we could return to his presence.  I have always known that this was true but I didn't really understand what that meant.  I have come to know that the atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ gives the ability to change  we can receive the strength to change ourselves and come closer to our Heavenly Father.  I know that we also have the opportunity to have our questions answered.  God loves us enough to guide us in our times of uncertainty.  Many people walk through this life with out understanding the love of God or knowing the meaning of life.  I know that there  is a purpose for our lives.  I know that anyone who wants to know its purpose can know.  God has given us this information through the words of his prophets.  We are here to learn and to grow. To make our decisions, to become who we choose to be, and to return to His presence.  I am thankful for the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ.  I am thankful for the opportunity to share this knowledge that I have been given, to act as a living witness for all of my life. I have seen the Gospel lighten the lives, and gladden the hearts of those I hold dear and those i have come to love through the spirit of the Lord.   I know the Lord has helped me in my life and he will continue to help me as I follow his teachings and grow closer to him. 


I know that Jesus is the Christ. He is my elder brother. I know that Thomas S. Monson is a Prophet of God. I know the Book of Mormon it true. I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet. I am so grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I don't know where I would be without my membership in the church. I am grateful for the family I have been blessed with. My parents do so much for me. Without their help I would not have been able to come to this great university. I am grateful to my friends and the examples they set. I know that choosing friends wisely is important. Friends have great influences over you. Again I am grateful for this church.
In the name of Jesus Christ.

I Believe in Christ.

I have a testimony of the divinity of the Savior's life and work. I know that He spent a portion of His time in Gethsemane for me personally. The depth of the Savior's love for us can’t be comprehended. I am so grateful for the price that He paid for us all, so that we can return to live with our Father once again. I know that the Atonement is the most important part of my testimony, because without it, the rest wouldn’t matter. I’ve gained an unwavering testimony of the Savior through the Atonement, and my study of the Book of Mormon. I know that no matter what He is always cheering for me. I love my Savior and brother, Jesus Christ.

I believe in Christ

I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is my Lord and Savior, just as He is the Lord and Savior for all mankind. I know that because of Him we will be able to return to live with our Heavenly Father.
Jesus Christ has suffered much for us. He knows exactly what we are going through because He himself experienced it. It is up to us to accept that sacrifice and to follow Him. The way won't always be easy, in fact it may never be easy. But it is important that we follow Him because He loves us greatly and because He wants to see us succeed.
I know that as a result I should love and serve others. Even though I may sometimes be impatiant or angry with someone I need to still act in a caring manner toward them. Because I know that we are all children of God and that it is important that we work together to help each other. The same atonement that will lead to my exaltation is the same one that applies to everyone and it is important that I remember that when dealing with my fellow man.


I am going to make this simple and short! I know that Christ lives and that He loves me for who I am! I know that He died for me, and always knows what I am going through because He has been through that exact same thing! I know He loves me and wants me to return to Him! I love Him and He loves me, and I will always be grateful for the sacrifice that He made for me and everyone else! God Lives!!!

He is my King

"I believe in Christ he is my King. with all my heart to him I'll sing. I believe in Christ he is Gods son. On earth to dwell his soul did come he healed the sick the dead he raised good works were his his name be praised." I believe in Christ with all my heart might and mind. i know that He chose to come to this earth to atone for each every one of our sins, everyone of our sicknesses, weaknesses, trials, and our burdens. I am so very grateful for the sacrifice he made so i can return to live with him again. I know that he is a son of our Heavenly Father and that he is our elder brother. I know he loves me and cares for me. I know that he watches everything I do. My favorite little poem is the footprints in the sand. The poem tells about how the man was looking at his journey through life and he saw two footprints most of the time. but occasionally he would only see one set. He asked Christ why he abandoned him in his time of need and Christ replied i never left you the times when there were only one set of footprints were the times that i carried you. i know this is how Christ is. I know that he is always there if we just turn our lives to him. "I believe in Christ, My Lord my God! my feet he plants on gospel sod. I'll worship him with all my might he is the source of truth and light. I believe in Christ he ransoms me. From Satan's grasp he sets me free. And i shall live with joy and love in his eternal courts above." I know that Christ sacrificed his life for me. I know that everyday he leads me to the gospel. In everything i do and everything i see i am reminded of my love for him and my love for the gospel. i know that if i follow him he will lead my to true happiness. I have felt the changes of turning to Christ in my life. I have felt the peace and comfort that come through repentance. i am so very grateful for his sacrifice and his example for me. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I will stand as a witness

I know that this chruch is true. The power of God is so beautiful and so real. In coming to know that this gospel is true, I've realized how much of an impact it can have in your life. I couldn't be more grateful, and with all that we have to go through in this life it's such a comforting thought to know that my Fahter in Heaven will always be there for me. I have a simple, but strong testimony in the power of the Atonement and the power of God. I know that Christ lives, and I will be forever grateful for Him.

my testimony will never burst

I know that this church is true. I know this because of the many proofs in my life that are too numerous to mention. Like many others I went through a time in my life where I had doubts. Looking back I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I can’t imagine not having that time in my life to make it very clear to me that the church is true. Now there is no doubt in my mind. Everything makes since logically and in my heart. Every aspect of the gospel makes you a better person and leads you to the ultimate goal of returning to our Father in Heaven. I know that the Lord gives us trials for a reason. My favorite scripture over this last semester has become 2 Nephi 2:11-13. It occurred to me this semester that there really does have to be an opposition in all things. As much as I don’t like opposition without it we would have never existed in the first place and if evil were to suddenly disappear…so would we. I know that God and Jesus Christ give us times of trial so that we can become more like them. Without failing we will never learn. I know that during these times of hardship the Lord will reach out to you, even if you don’t ask or reach up your hand. I have seen him reach out to others I love in their darkest hour and raise them to new heights. He loves us so much and he would never leave us alone in this world. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and every time I read it I gain more proofs that its true, witnesses of the Savior, and the truth that the church holds. I couldn’t begin to tell anyone how much the scriptures make me a better person but I will say that I would be horribly rotten without them. I know that the Lord blesses us with prophets on the earth. It doesn’t matter who it is at the time but it does matter if I choose to follow him or not. I believe that he is God’s mouthpiece and that when he and his counselors speak I am hearing the words that God and Jesus Christ would want me to hear. I know all these things to be true and they are the center of my life. Im so exctied at the fact that I can learn more and more and then even more. Every time I learn my testimony will grow bigger and bigger and it will never burst wont! I couldn’t more grateful to my parents who have raised me in the way that I know that the Lord would approve of and I hope that I can be like them someday in raising righteousness.
Malissa Martinez

I Believe in Christ

I know that my Heavenly Father loves me and wants me to return to him, and that Jesus Christ loves me and will welcome me with open arms when I return. I know that my main purpose is to return to Heavenly Father, and that nothing else really matters; that this life really is just a speck and it is just a test and a probation. I know that through sincere prayer I can get to know my Heavenly Father. I know that he really does care, and that he listens to and answers my prayers. I know that he cares about what happens in my life, and that he does love to hear from me, and that he does want to give me everything. I know that without him, we could not be saved. I know that he is a sure foundation, that he is unwavering, that I can trust in him. I am so thankful for Christ, for all that he did so unselfishly and lovingly. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

I believe in Christ. I feel so blessed to have grown up in the gospel. I have always had a testimony of the gospel. But as I have gotten older it has grown so much. I am so grateful for the Plan of Happiness. When I was twelve my family got sealed in the temple. I can just remember what an amazing feeling I had while I was kneeling in the seeling room. I also have a strong testimony of prayer. I know that whenever I need someone to listen to me I can talk to the lord. I am so grateful for the amazing prophets that we have on the earth today. I know that President Monson is the true today and that he does get revelation from heavenly father. I also have a strong testimony in Joseph Smith. I know that he did pray in the sacred grove and he did talk to God the father and Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for this wonderful school and what an amazing opportunity it is to be here. I love this gospel and everything it has blessed me with. I say these thing in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

I Believe in Christ

I am so full of gratitude. I am so blessed to be living the life I have been blessed to live. I am so grateful for the gospel. I know that we have been born in to an amazing time. The world may be scary and crazy but it is an amazing time to be on the earth. The gospel is spreading so fast and is so strong. I am so grateful for my savior Jesus Christ. He isnt only my redeemer but my best friend. Through him I can accomplish anything! I am so grateful to have such a wonderful family who supports me in everything. I know that we have been given so many gifts from our loving Heavenly Father one being the Book of Mormon. I love the Book of Mormon. I love being able to read the same verse of scripture I have read before and get something completly new and aw-inspiring!!! We have also been given the gift of the Atonement. I know that I have a big brother who was willing to do his fathers will to help all his family be one once more. I am so grateful for the gift of repentance. I know that some may think of repentance as a bad thing but it is truly wonderful. It is a way that we are made clean again and then we are able to grow closer to our Heavenly Father and to better come to know ourselves. I am so grateful for all those "angels" in my life that have helped me become who I am today. I am grateful for the trials I have had and how much I have grown because of them. I have come to know my savior. I know that President Thomas S. Monson is a true living prophet of God and that if we follow his direction we will be blessed. We have a Heavenly Father who loves us and wants the best for us. When we feel like we are all alone and there is no way out He always has a way out. He is the way to eternal happiness. I am so excited to raise a family in the gospel when the time comes. I know that I live in a special time. I pray that we all choose God and that we all strive to serve him and align our will to be his will. I love the gospel and I love my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I say these things in the name of thy beloved son, my savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

My testimony

I believe in Jesus Christ.

You know, I've struggled in my life. More then most know or think. I have done things that I'm not proud of and I fell into pits of despair because of it. I was literally depressed and angry and i couldn't figure out why. But then it all hit me. I had a bishop who saw i needed help. At first i was hesitant to ask but I could feel the spirit tugging at me trying to help me out of my whole. I laid it all before him and begged for forgiveness. I am thankful for my belief and faith in Christ. That he died for our sins so that we can return to live with our Heavenly Father. He does not forget us and he loves us all. He's just waiting for us to ask for help so he can answer.

My Savior......My Friend

Jesus Christ Lives!  He is the Son of God.  He is the Savior of the world.  He did for me what no one else can and I will forever be grateful.  I know that it is only through Christ that I can even have the hope of obtaining eternal life.  I am so blessed to have received a testimony of His reality, His life, death, Atonement and resurrection.  I know that He offers all that He has done continually and all I must do is accept it.  He offers so much yet asks so little.  He is even now pleading for each one of us.  He has obtained the power to lift us up, to give us eternal life because He suffered for all of our sins.  All that we have done that moves us away from God will be swept away by the power of His atonement.  He never leaves us alone.  Even faith in Him is a gift through the Spirit.  He asks us to do nothing alone.  He is constantly by our side.  I love Him and consider Him my very best friend.  He has done more for me than I will ever be able to do for Him or anyone and I thank Him for that.  

Thursday, November 27, 2008

I Believe in Chirst

I know that my Redeemer lives. That is one of my favorite hymns because it so beautifully expresses what I feel in my heart. I know that He knows me and He knows my needs and that He answers my prayers. I am so grateful for a loving savior who was willing to come down to earth and suffer pains that I cannot even begin to imagine for me. He put his will aside for me. Every time I think of what He did calmness comes over me and I am filled with humility. This reassures me that no matter what trials I face I can always count on my Savior to help me. I can always pray to my Heavenly Father for guidance and assistance. I have such a strong testimony of prayers I know that Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers and the answers that we receive are those directly from Him. The answers that come are those that I need and are best suited for me because he knows me. I love reading the scriptures and gaining a better understanding and love for all the the Lord did. Through the scriptures my relationship with my Savior is strengthened. I know that there are Prophets on the earth today that are called of God and receive revelation from him. This is such a blessing to know that there is someone on this earth that I can listen to and know that the Lord is speaking through him and that what the prophet has to say is what I need to hear. I love my Heavenly Father and elder brother Jesus Christ and am very grateful for all that they have done for me. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I BeLiEvE in Christ!

I believe in Christ and his neverending love for us. He made his love so apparent to us through his sacrifice and his atonment. He knows us individually and by name. I know he is there with us every step of the way through the good times and the bad and wants and knows what is best for us. Without him we would have no chance at life especially with the mistakes and trials that come our way. It is through him and our faith in him that we may return to live with our Father in Heaven. I love him with all of my heart and know that he returns that love more than I could ever possibly comprehend.

I Believe in Christ

I believe in christ, and not only that, I know he is my savior. I know he knows me personally and has sacrificed himself for me so that I can become the person he knows I can be. I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet called of God to restore this gospel here on the earth, and that because he believed, and did as he was told, we now have the true restored gospel on the earth, and the book of mormon. I know the book of mormon is the word of God, and that it tells about the past, present, and what can happen in the future. I have a testimony and know that families are forever, and that if we do the things that we know we should be doing, that we will be able to be an eternal family and that nothing will be able to seperate us no matter what. I know the second comming is soon at hand, and that if I want to be part of it, then this gospel, and staying rightious is the way to do it. I know that presedent Thomas S. Monson is the true prophet of our day, and he recieves personal revelation from the lord. I know that he is the Mouthpeace of our lord, and that if we follow what he says, we will be alright in the days, weeks, months, years, and eternities ahead. I know that this gospel has made me who I am today, and without it I would be nothing. I am also thankful for my family, for always being there and teaching me about the gospel, and giving me a testimony to lean on when I wasn't sure if I had one for myself. I am thankful for the opportunity that I have had to share my testimony.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

I can't even describe

I always have had a hard time putting words to my testimony of Jesus Christ. I feel that words are never enough to describe how much I feel for him. My favorite hymn is 193 I Stand All Amazed. From that hymn I love the line 'I marvel that he would descend from his throne divine, to rescue a soul so rebelious and proud as mine.' It's just so amazing he didn't have to do anything but he loved us so much and gave up everything for us. If it wasn't for him none of this would exist I owe everything to him. I love him so much he is my savior, my redeemer, my friend, my brother, my everything. For family home evening one time I made a video of Jesus Christ. It's a bunch of pictures I found of Jesus and Mary but the message it carries is much much more. Like I said words are not enough to begin to describe the amazing things he is.

Friday, November 21, 2008

I believe in Christ, Oh blessed name

Being born into the covenant has allowed me to grow up with “borrowed light”, as they say. I knew the church was true, because I knew my parents knew the church was true. But as I began to live on my own in college and become more and more independent, my testimony has truly grown and developed to become my own. I know that Joseph Smith was a true Prophet of God and that he did see God the father, and his son, Jesus Christ. I know that the Book of Mormon is a true testament of Christ and that this is the only and true church on the earth today. I also know that this church is headed by a living prophet, Thomas S. Monson, and that he has the authority to receive inspiration and guidance for the members of this church. Without the Gospel in my life, I know that I too would be lost and confused in this dark world. And for that, I am also extremely grateful for the missionaries and for their commitment and willingness to serve the Lord. I know that as we follow and live the commandments each day of our lives, that we all have the opportunity to live with our Heavenly Father again. I am grateful for this Gospel and the innumerable blessings that it brings to me each day of my life. I testify of these things, in the name of our Savior, even Jesus Christ, Amen.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The living Christ

I know with all my heart and soul that Jesus Christ lives. I know her knows me personally and atoned for my sins. I know that he is my mediator with the Father, and that through him and only through him I can return to live with them once again. I know that he loves me, and for this he died for me. I testify that he is the One that was prophesied of old to come to this earth to save the souls of men. I know he did come and fulfill all that the Father commanded him to do. I know that he will come again. I hope to be able to stand at that day and feel the prints in his hands and feet and fall down at his feet and worship him and thank him for the paying my debt as a sinner. He lives I know it.

My Testimony

My name is Kara Adams and I would like to bear witness to you of the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I have been especially privileged in my life to have witnessed the healing power of the atonement in my own life and in the lives of those around me. The love of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has blessed my life in so many ways by guiding me through all of my darkest hours by whispering peace and encouragement to my troubled heart. Without the guidance and love of the Lord I would never have made it this far in my life. I have learned time and time again that I cannot do it on my own. I know that the Lord lives and that Jesus Christ is his only begotten son in the flesh and that I can turn to him for peace in the hour of even my smallest need. This testimony I bear is one that has been strengthened through trials and prayers, scripture study and faith, and the love of dear friends, family, and teachers. I pass it on to you in the hope that you can add it to and strengthen your own testimony in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

He is the Law and the Light

I absolutely love my savior, Jesus Christ so much. He has blessed my life through the Gospel. I truly came to know of Him in 2006 at the Oakland Temple Pageant. I decided to participate at the last minute so I had no idea what the songs were, which was like 40 pages of music. I had no idea what to expect and I had never seen Temple Pageant before. As we arrived to the temple, all my worries disappeared. Just walking on temple grounds I felt comfort and peace. We entered the top balcony in the auditorium and took our seats. We rehearsed several times before the first performance. I looked around and thought there weren't enough people to sing loudly enough to the whole auditorium. As soon as the music started and everyone rose to their feet, all I could do was stand in awe from the powerful feeling that swept over me. Words cannot describe how I felt at that moment. Tears formed in my eyes and I could feel my Savior's love. It was amazing to me that our voices shot through the auditorium because our choir was big but not that big as we sounded like. The curtains opened and as we sang, “Oh look unto me and endure to the end, and ye shall live,” the portrayal of the Savior walked down some steps and showed love and mercy to the people on the stage. The portrayal of the Savior looked so real that it felt like it was really Him. At that moment I knew I was in the right place doing the right thing. Even though I did not know the words I could feel the strength of the words sweeping over me. For the next two weeks, I surprised myself by coming to all the performances. I really had no intention of going all two weeks, but I knew it was the Holy Ghost testifying to me that I needed to go and partake of the love that Heavenly Father and His Son has for me.

How great will be the day when we truly will see Him. When I think of Him, peace and serenity flood my mind, soul, and heart. In the scriptures, we learn of the pure love He has for all His children. What great compassion and mercy he had, even when they spat and mocked Him. They crowned Him with a wreath of thorns and gave Him vinegar to drink. I cannot comprehend the immensity of His suffering in Gethsemani, that He bled from every pore! I am reminded of Him when I go through trials because my trials are nothing compared to His. It's a humbling experience to know that someone else paid for my sins. My soul yearns for that day when He shall come down. But I know I must be on the right side when it is that day. This life is to prepare now and be ready for the coming of the Lord. When I think of how that day might be, all I know is I will fall on my knees out of deep gratitude and love for Him. I know He knows and loves me. I have felt His love. I know He lives and wants us to return to Him. I am so grateful for His Gospel and the Atonement. It is true! In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I Believe

I have always believed in Christ since I was young, but living on my own where I have more freedom has really strengthened my testimony. While living at home I always went to church because my parents made me, now I go to church becasue I want to. I have seen the Lord bless my life and the lives of my friends and family. I know that the Christ lives and that he suffered for our sins. And I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

I know

I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer. I testify that he took upon Himself the sins of the world so that we may receeive forgiveness of our sins. I know that I will one day be resurrected because of Christ's resurrection. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the one and only true church on this earth, guided by christ Himself. I know that God calls prophets on the earth to be a light and a guide unto us. I know that Thomas S. Monson is that prophet today. I know these things through the Holy Spirit. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Hero!

When I think of Christ this calming warmth enters my heart. I know he lives and I know he gave his life so that I can live. Whenever I am feeling sorry for myself, I try to think about how much Christ suffered for the world, and for me. It really helps me to put things back into perspective. I realize that my trials are actually small, and even when they seem big, He is there to comfort me. I cannot wait until the day He comes again to save the world again. I have heard that when we see Him again, it will be as if we never forgot Him, His face will be so familiar. I hope that I can be ready when he comes. He has given me the best example to live by, His perfect life, it something I try for each day. When I fall short, I know that I can start again tomorrow, and He will help me be a little better. I LOVE HIM and HE LOVES ME! With His help I can move any mountain He needs me to.

Christ, My Friend.

I know that Jesus is my personal Savior. I know that he has suffered for all of the stupid things that I have done and will do during my time here in this life. Every time I think of what I have done to him, it makes me feel sick to my stomach. I just wish that I would stop making mistakes. I know that this is something that isn't possible. Christ is forgiving friend. Some people hold grudges against their own friends. I know that all I need to do is repent, and ask for his forgiveness and I know that he will forgive me. That is one of the greatest feelings in the world. 
I am thankful for his perfect example. He has shown us all the way that we need to travel in order to return to our father's presence. I am so grateful for his willingness to help me, a sometimes ingrateful person, to acheive celestial glory. The more I think about the great blessings that God has in store for us, the more I wish it was my time to recieve them. 
I know that Jesus is the son of God. I know that he is our Redemer. I know that he suffered in the garden, and on the cross for us. I know that he loves me. I know that he has done his part, and is waiting for me to do mine. I know that I love him.

I Belive In Christ

I believe in my Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for his life, the atonement, his death, and the ressurection. I love my Savior and I know that he knows and loves me. He knows all that I have been through and all that I will go through. He is the friend that will never leave no matter what. I am so grateful for his perfect example. I am trying to make sure that I follow him in everything I do. He is my older brother and my friend. He watches over me in everthing I do, he is with me every step of the way to become like Him. He wants me to succeed! I am so grateful for his undying love and compassion towards all. I will continue to try and be more like him each day. I love Him so much, and I am so grateful for this gospel that leads me to Him. In the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Brooklyn Schmidt